3D Campus


3D Campus

Put Tsing-Hua campus into a virtual world. Users can experience walking in the campus. It also offers building guides, introductions and so on. We use web browser as our platform to let alumni who miss about Tsing-Hua or new students who want to know more about Tsing-Hua, can easily experience the beauty of Tsing-Hua campus.

(System was online on the official website of National Tsing-Hua University in April, 2016)


The team is composed of students from department of computer science and staffs from computer center.

  • Terrain: 3 people are responsible for terrain and buildings.
  • Program: 3 people are responsible for the program, and it is divided into VR version, Web version and 3D Video.

I am responsible for the Web version.



Development Tools

  • Unity 5.3.2

    We use Unity as our game engine. All scenes and functions are built on it and we use WebGL as the release platform.

  • PHP 5

    PHP server is connected with Unity to do the operation on database and download music and photos.

  • MySQL

    Store the configuration of system and information of buildings and photos.


  • Standard Mode

    In this mode you are in a first person view, and you are free to move.

    Move like a FPS game Open main menu to use different functions
    Switch between day and night NPC act as students walking in campus
  • Aerial View Mode

    Overlook the buildings from the sky, and offer building guide.

    Mark the buildings in campus Offer the detailed information of buildings
    Teleport to each building Automatically move from current position to target building
    Photos in each attractions Introduction of each photo.
  • Other features

    Users can experience bus driving in campus.
